बाग्लुङ सेवा समाज क्यानडाले संचालन गर्न लागेको छात्रवृति कार्यक्रमको घोषणा यहि मे २४ गते हुदैछ । प्राप्त निवेदनको आधारमा संस्थाका पदाधिकारीको बैठक निर्णयले सो घोषणा गर्ने छ । सो कार्यक्रमका लागी बाग्लुङ र गुल्मी गरि जम्मा ४ जना बिधार्थी छनोट हुनेछन भने छनोट भएका योग्य बिधार्थीले एस एल सी तह सम्मका लागी निरन्तर छात्रवृति पाउने छन् । निरन्तर छात्रवृति पाउनका लागि संस्थाले तोके अनुसारका मापदण्ड भने बर्षेनी पुरा गर्नु पर्ने छ ।


Scholarship is a program started in 2014. The objectives of this program are to provide financial support to the students from the impoverished families for their schooling. This program will continue providing scholarship to selected students until they pass out school level certificate. Basically, students of junior level (below grade 8) will receive 5,000/- Nepalese Rupees for now and students (above grade 8) will receive 6,000/- Nepalese Rupees for their basic schooling expenses. Basic school expenses includes: admission fee, exam fee, uniform, stationery supplies. Sources for supporting this program: Organization Fund Fees collection from MRP form fill out camps Donation from family and Friends Sponsors’ support Baglung Sewa Samaj, Canada is extremely thankful to Sushrut Lamsal and his parents in donating $265 Canadian dollar to support this program. This money was donated on the occasion of Sushrut’s 8 birthday in October. This amount was handed to general secretary Bhabi Neupane in a birthday celebration gathering by his father Suman Lamsal. Their donation has not only enabled us to increase the number of students next year, it has directed us to move forward to support such cause. See the link http://www.nawasandesh.com/archives/6588.html